Patient Identification Solutions


Our patient ID cards with barcodes and magnetic stripes facilitate fast check-in for a patient visit. The cards can be physical cards similar to a credit card or electronic on the patient's phone. The kiosk or office system reads the barcode or magnetic strip to quickly identify the patient.


Not everyone has driver's licenses that can be used for fast check-in at a kiosk or registration desk. Therefore Patient Identification Cards (physical or electronic) can be used for that purpose. This is useful with children for example that would not have drivers licenses. The cards can have barcodes and/or magnetic stripes with encoded patient MRN numbers or other identifiers used by the facility. The patient presents at the kiosk or registration desk and the ID card is read to quickly and securely identify the patient. Recurring frequent patient visits such as physical therapy are well suited for this identification method.
Patient Identification
Electronic ID


A cost effective method of providing an ID that can be scanned is to email an electronic image of the ID card which has a barcode to be stored on the patient's smart phone. The card on the phone can be presented instead of the physical card. It could also be a QR code without the patient's photo if desired. This allows for quick check-in.


PatientWorks' solutions include other methods of patient identification including biometrics such as Imprivata's Palm Vein Scanner. This positively identifies the unique vein pattern of the patient's hand and is used to look up the patient in the system. Knowing for certain that the individual visiting a kiosk or registration desk is the correct person is critical to treatment, care and billing.
Biometric Identification

Patient Identification is important


Identifying patients accurately and matching the patient's identity with the correct treatment or service is a critical factor of patient safety. Reduce harmful outcomes from avoidable patient identification errors by utilizing proven identification methods.

The importance of positive patient identification is a known issue in many healthcare systems. Some healthcare providers are failing to do patient identification properly. The absence of a positive patient identification system results in patients not being matched accurately against their medical records.

Positive patient identification is necessary for providing care, ensuring patient safety, as well as improving the healthcare provider’s finances. There are a lot of impediments to accurate patient identification with the most common one being duplicate medical records. These identification errors cause major issues for healthcare providers, mainly denied claims, repetitive tests, wrong treatments, reporting errors, loss of reputation, and unwanted media attention – all of which result in financial losses.

Problems with your MRN's?

The challenges of duplicate MRN numbers, patient naming conventions, data errors, and coding errors all add up to a big effort. Implementing our solutions will help find the duplicates and reduce the errors. In addition the ID solutions will assure you are treating the right patient correctly.

Eye on Security

With Cyber attacks and scams increasing in frequency, we take security of our applications very seriously. Working in conjunction with our customers' security teams we adhere to industry standard security practices. Identification Programs can be a part of your overall security program and help reduce risks and errors.


Reduce the effort involved in maintaining accurate patient records and make certain you are dealing with the right patient. Errors are costly and damaging. Let us help you improve your systems and patient identification program.


Our temperature screening kiosks include options for facial recognition to identify individuals coming into your facilities. While there are some limitations related to masks, glasses, lighting in the area, etc., these methods can also be an effective tool in your identification programs. Contact us to learn more about these options.

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