With years of experience in automating patient registration for healthcare providers, our services team is ready to help you with your project and to provide support after go-live. Give us a call.
Project Management
Our projects usually have key dates that are driving our customers to automate their front end processes. This may be related to systems conversions, staff shortages, new facility openings or some other important project timeline driver. Our Project Managers understand professional project standards. We work closely with your team and adapt to your project protocols to assure a smooth and successful project. We understand the demands on your internal resources and develop schedules to address any resource conflicts that may arise. Our Best Practices document helps you formulate the details of your project plan.
Support Services
Contact us to learn more about our services
Great Staff
PatientWorks staff have longevity with the company. They have been team members for many years and have managed and supported many projects. When you talk with them you will hear the years of experience they have in their responses. In the software industry people are the assets of the company and we are proud to have great people working here.
We Answer Your Calls
Full Service
Superior Customer Support
PatientWorks provides excellent customer support. We have a team with years of experience implementing healthcare technology solutions. We understand the complex issues involved in patient registration, best practices, and the demands on our customer's resources. Let us guide you through a project to automate your patient registration process and allow us to provide fast and responsive service after the go live.